Marine Surveyor Consultant provides independent surveys and reports of the current condition, class status and life history of a vessel. These can provide vital information to help evaluate a proposed investment by identifying potential problems, we can help reduce the business and technical risks you face when buying or chartering a second-hand vessel. Our Marine Surveyors are qualified Master Mariners or Chief Engineers or Class surveyor.
Condition survey elements included as below but not limited;
Still open questions?
After conforming with company, our experienced surveyor will attend to carry out condition survey in one day and report will be submitted to the company visualized with pictures.
You benefit from our experience in delivering effective solutions with the complex global partners. Solutions are tailored and unique for the client, communications and exchanges are confidential.
You benefit from every innovation, experienced consultants will reach targets in planned time.
All of which explains why you’ll find the team of outstanding support at Transportation ready to apply their passion for solutions in support of your business.