We generate concise and accurate reports identifying non-conformities, observations and noteworthy remarks. Our aim is to assist our clients to remove non-conformities and provide pragmatic solutions to compliance issues.
Our clients often choose to combine the Internal ISM Audit with an Internal ISPS Audit, conducted at the same time. Also marine and technical superintendent visit could be carried out. Please contact us to discuss your particular requirements.
We, as Bosphorus Audit, offer you that, carry out internal audit during waiting at Bosphorus Strait and/or any Turkish port call.
ISM&ISPS, MLC internal audits are the crucial for the management company in order to check and verify implementation of the SMS. In case of travel restrictions and cost-efficient reasons, our experienced auditor will carry out internal audits on behalf of you with wide region of availability in short notice.
Still open questions?
After confirmed by the company, our experienced auditor will attend to the vessel in order to verify implementation of the SMS. Documentation control, ship certificates, crew knowledge, training effectiveness will be subject to control. Ship tour and drill also carried out during internal audits.
You benefit from our experience in delivering effective solutions with the complex global partners. Solutions are tailored and unique for the client, communications and exchanges are confidential.
You benefit from every innovation, experienced consultants will reach targets in planned time.
All of which explains why you’ll find the team of outstanding support at maritime ready to apply their passion for solutions in support of your business.