Cargo audits are performed with the aim to first evaluate and secondly to assist the crew understand the most effective practices of conducting a safe cargo operation. Current workflows are audited towards established procedures as well as industry standards and best practices. Effective planning, awareness and familiarization with the ship’s machinery and equipment along with leadership and cooperation of the team are evaluated.
During Mooring audits, operational practices and compliance with industry guidelines and Company’s procedures are audited. Leadership, mooring skills and effectiveness of the personnel, involved in mooring operations, are evaluated. Condition of mooring equipment and compliance with international requirements is verified.
We delivers to the client a comprehensive report analyzing the results of the audits, by identifying areas of improvement and potential risks, as well as proposing effective preventive measures.
The key to safe and effective mooring operations is planning and ensuring that appropriate procedures are followed. A mooring operation risk assessment should always be carried out. Suitable controls and procedures should be in place to minimize the risks identified for this operation. The use of toolbox talks to discuss the operation and the hazards involved is an effective way to help reduce accidents. It may seem like an unnecessary task to undertake, as mooring is a routine operation that most crew are very familiar with. However, this is the danger, as familiarity and complacency can lead to a mistake and an accident.
Still open questions?
After agreed with the company, our experienced auditor will attend to the vessel to carry out detailed, cargo and mooring work assessment including behavioral based safety and competency. During all port stay and unmooring stage auditor will observe and check the works.
You benefit from our experience in delivering effective solutions with the complex global partners. Solutions are tailored and unique for the client, communications and exchanges are confidential.
You benefit from every innovation, experienced consultants will reach targets in planned time.
All of which explains why you’ll find the team of outstanding support at Transportation ready to apply their passion for solutions in support of your business.